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weak basis中文是什么意思

用"weak basis"造句"weak basis"怎么读"weak basis" in a sentence


  • 弱基


  • At the present , the difficulty of community self - governing lies not so much in a weak basis as in the instability that may result from self - governing
  • The research shows that the chinese agricultural products exportation is facing the following difficulties and barriers : shortage of agricultural investment , scientific development lagging behind comparatively , business unit too small , agriculture production low organized , weak basis on the trade of agricultural products , and foreign technical barriers
  • The mathematics basic course is the mature mathematics branch , have the representative abstract and close , our teaching marriage partner is a good relatively weak basis duty student but , on one hand abstract - rization sometimes becoming the obstacle , another aspect that they understand excessively is close not their structure of knowledge vitally needing
用"weak basis"造句  
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